Eone is set to release ‘The Blind Ascensionist’, a short film that tells the story of Justin Salas, the teenager from Oklahoma who lost his vision and went on to become a world paraclimbing sensation. It premieres on May 27th at the Bouldering Project climbing gym in Salt Lake City.

When Justin Salas lost his sight, climbing helped him build resilience and relationships, as he found his place in the world as a blind, young adult; and now he shows the world how he sees it. The Blind Ascensionist, screening May 27 at selected locations gives viewers an insight intoJustin’s story it is celebrated, not only for his sporting achievement, but also his desire to improve access to the sport for people of all abilities. The values he demonstrates in the film, and the conversations it will encourage audiences to have, are perfectly aligned with Eone’s philosophy and how their timepieces are designed to inspire thoughts and actions of inclusion.
Eone will launch a new timepiece to celebrate the film. The Apex Salas, is a more accessible watch perfect for active Eone wearers. It incorporates the new stretchy “hook strap”, that moves seamlessly with the wrist.
When I was first approached to be a part of the campaign for the Eone Apex Bradley I knew it was going to be something special. I’ve been a proud owner of a Bradley timepiece for a number of years now and I love wearing something that is truly accessible for a person with low vision like me to use yet is undeniably unique, stylish and beautifully bold. Upon hearing Justin’s story I instantly connected with the strength in the face of adversity he displays. The moment I heard Justin say “Ok this is reality now, they can’t fix it just going to have to deal with it now” I was reminded of my own journey. I often talk about taking our biggest challenges in live and turning them into our greatest achievements and that is something we have in common.
Hearing Eone’s direction for the campaign made being a part of it an easy decision. Often living with a disability is portrayed in the media as a weakness, a vessel for sympathy the Apex Bradley campaign shows us all that every day is an opportunity to face whatever challenges life puts in our way with the confidence we can adapt, adjust and overcome.
I wanted to write something special. To create a piece of poetry that not only captured the essence of Justin’s story but also the feeling I get as a person who views each day as an opportunity to create a moment, overcome its challenges and make memories built to last. Something that everyone can relate to and show how the Bradley Apex is designed for everyone.
Dave Steele The Blind Poet
To keep up to date with news and how you can get your hands on the Apex Bradley please visit https://www.eone-time.com/pages/the-blind-ascensionist-film-justin-salas-paraclimbing